Premium Clyde Valley Cherries
Our history, our family, our quality. Shared with you.
Welcome to 3 Kings Cherries
Proudly growing and exporting New Zealand's most delicious cherries.
Since 1921.
100 Years in the making...
In the heart of Central Otago lies the Clyde Valley. The Paulin family have been farming cherries in the Clyde Valley for the past 100 years. Steeped in rich gold mining and fruit production history, this region produces the best cherries in the world.
The Paulin family has been growing in Central Otago for more than 100 years. Always in sight of the Cromwell Gorge, and always in sight of the '3 Kings' rock formation.
Our Cherries
3 Kings Cherries Growers have more than 100 years of growing heritage and expertise
With the best of seasons come the best of cherries
Each season our growers and pack house review the best of the best of our cherries to assess whether they qualify for ourĀ premium reserve range. These are incredibly special and very rare!